Welcome to the directory of the best Exotic Animal Veterinarians near me in the U.S. Need a veterinarian near you to care for your exotic pet? You’re in the right place!
After analyzing different exotic animal veterinary clinics, we have selected the top 10 veterinary clinics. Each of them stands out for their quality of service, convenience and customer satisfaction.
In our directory, you will find such important information as their address, website, phone numbers, and average customer feedback ratings so you can make a good decision on where to take your exotic animal, as well as 24-hour vets, exotic animal vets and veterinary practices.
Check out our recommendations and make sure your pet gets the best care at the best price.
Are you looking for a 24 hour exotic animal veterinarian for an emergency?
On this website you can find veterinary practices that can take care of your pet now, or to make any consultation you need urgently.
Best Exotic Veterinarians Directory near my location
Veterinarians: Online Consultations
Do you need to make an online consultation to a veterinarian because you can’t travel? We also have a selection of veterinarians or veterinary clinics with online consultation service.
Locate the nearest exotic animal veterinarian quickly.
No matter where you live, on this website, we offer you all the information about the best veterinary clinics in Usa so you can choose quickly or call if you have an emergency.
No matter what animal you have at home, you only have to choose the veterinarian specializing in your pet, which can be:
Vet near me for Parrots
Vet near me for Turtles
Veterinarian near me for exotic animals
Vet near me for Ferrets
Veterinarian near me for reptiles
Use our search engine to find the veterinarian 24 hours, by name or with any service mentioned above from our search engine directly, type what you are looking for in it, for example: Exotic animal veterinarian in Texas, and it will show you the ones around you:
Steps to search for nearby exotic animal veterinarians in with Google Maps:
Google Maps is an online mapping service provided by Google. It allows people to view detailed maps around the world, get directions from place to place, search for places of interest, view satellite and Street View imagery, and much more.
- Open Google Maps in your web browser or mobile app.
- Click the search button at the bottom of the screen.
- Type «EXOTIC ANIMAL VETERINARIANS NEAR ME» in the search bar and press enter.
- The app will show you a list of veterinarians near your current location. You can also view the results on a map.
- You can click on each veterinary clinic to get more information, such as address, phone number and user reviews.
- You can also use the voice command if you are using the mobile app and say «OK Google, search for vets near my location.»
Remember that the availability of information may vary depending on your location and the accuracy of the data provided by Google Maps.
Veterinaries near me 24 hours a day
Parrot Veterinaries near me
Emergency Veterinary Hospital near me
How much does a veterinarian charge for a visit?
The price of a veterinary consultation can vary depending on several factors, such as geographic location, the veterinarian’s experience, the type of consultation and the nature of the animal’s problem.
In general, the price of a veterinary visit can range from $25-$186 or more, but this can vary. It is advisable to contact a specific veterinary clinic directly for accurate information on their fees.
What services do veterinary clinics offer?
Veterinary clinics offer a wide range of services to meet the needs of pets and their owners. Some of the common services they offer include:
- Veterinary consultations: Routine examinations, diagnoses and treatments for health problems.
- Vaccination: Administration of vaccines to prevent common diseases in animals.
- Surgery: Performance of surgical procedures, both routine (spaying, neutering) and emergency (soft tissue surgery, orthopedics, etc.).
- Diagnostic tests: Laboratory tests, x-rays, ultrasounds, among others, to diagnose diseases and injuries.
- Hospitalization: They offer facilities for the hospitalization and care of sick animals that require continuous attention.
- Nutrition: Advice on proper diet and nutrition for pets, as well as the sale of specialized foods.
- Grooming and cosmetic care: Baths, haircuts, brushing and other grooming services to maintain the hygiene and appearance of pets.
- Emergency services: Availability to attend to veterinary emergencies outside regular business hours.
These are just a few examples of services offered by veterinary clinics. The variety of services may vary depending on the clinic and its specialization.